frPropose a project

Innovating against poverty and inequality

The Fund for Innovation in Development aims to support promising ideas with high potential for impact against poverty and inequality, rigorously evaluate their effectiveness and accelerate their deployment on a larger scale.

Discover FID


Evaluating innovative initiatives in synergy with the academic world

FID finances innovative initiatives led by all types of organisations including research institutions, NGOs, governments, companies, etc. Its unique funding methodology by incremental stages is adapted to the different phases of implementation and evaluation of innovations. This facilitates the deployment of solutions with rigorously tested and validated impacts.
Discover FID

Our Missions

Supporting the innovation cycle of projects

FID provides support through a grant process structured in five stages, which correspond to the different phases of conceiving, validating, and deploying an innovation.

Acting as leverage for scale

FID supports the expansion of emerging or growing innovations by supporting the scaling up of proven solutions.

Ville avec un pontVille avec un pont

Encouraging innovation wherever it comes from

FID accepts applications from all types of organisations. Only projects led by individuals or multilateral organisations are not eligible to apply.

Homme qui regarde un drone dans le cielHomme qui regarde un drone dans le ciel

Our results

Key figures

  • 3600

    applications received since the opening of the call for proposals

  • 90

    innovative projects funded since 2021

  • 43M €

    committed by FID since 2021

The projects

91supported innovations

Discover all the projects

Behavioral interventions to improve child health and nutrition in Rwanda



Enfants ausculté par une médecin

A community-driven approach to ending sexual violence against children in Liberia



Ecolière de loin floutée

Empowering high-risk youth and reducing violence through cognitive therapy in Liberia


Peace and recovery

Jeunes hommes qui se tiennent la main

Restoring palm grovesto protect oasis ecosystems in Djibouti



Providing sustainable energy to rural communities in Congo

Democratic Republic of Congo


Hydrolienne sur l'eau

Empowering women in India through financial independence


Gender equality


A media experiment to reduce Intimate partner violence in Bangladesh

Gender equality

Etudiants qui discutent

A sustainable housing solution for climate-displaced communities in Ethiopia



Latest news

All our latest news

Revitalizing date palm production with an innovative method for sexing plants

Projects funded by FID

19 février 2025

agricultrices parmi palmiers

3 Innovative FID solutions for access to quality education


24 janvier 2025

Enfants qui font la ronde

Summer School 2025 : Call for applications for the Academic module


20 janvier 2025

salle de conférence

Scaling-up HIV self-testing to improve access to screening in Côte d’Ivoire

Projects funded by FID

29 novembre 2024

Homme faisant un autotest

Consultancy for Benchmarking and Strengthening Cost Evidence Practices in Development Innovation

18 novembre 2024

An innovative solution in Laos to combat malnutrition

Projects funded by FID

16 octobre 2024

Three innovative mental health projects in Africa and India

Projects funded by FID

10 octobre 2024

Jeunes en groupe

The Summer School “Development Methodologies”, a week focused on impact evaluation

08 juillet 2024

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Partners commited to innovation and impact


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