Behavioral interventions to improve child health and nutrition in Rwanda
In an attempt to provide a solution to the resistance of malaria mosquitoes to conventional insecticides, In2Care has designed a new tool, environmentally friendly and socially acceptable, offering effective protection to communities. The impact evaluation, funded by FID, will enable to quantify its effectiveness in reducing the prevalence of the disease.
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In Côte d’Ivoire, malaria remains a major public health challenge. Despite encouraging results in recent years, this infection remains the main reason for medical consultations in the country.
The preventive policy implemented by the government focuses on vector control, through the distribution of long-acting insecticide-treated nets and indoor residual spraying, both approved by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
To complement these measures, In2Care has developed a tool, which consists of wall-ventilation tubes that attract, block and kill disease-carrying mosquitoes with a patented static-coated netting whose polarity binds an insecticide powder.
Previous studies conducted by In2Care have shown that these EaveTubes are effective in homes equipped with mosquito nets.
The research activities funded by FID will verify that the tool is also effective without nets. Beyond that, they aim to measure the impact of the EaveTubes in reducing malaria infection.
The EaveTubes have the potential to provide community-wide protection against malaria and reduce the number of cases of the disease by half.
Projects funded by FID